Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11 World Trade Center Attacked - 10 Years Ago

The unforgettable moment of America and through the whole world.World Trade Center  was build by high professional engineers for many years. Sad to say that it was gone in just 102 minutes, killed 3,000 people and incredibly change America. Many people ask, who are the responsible for this attacked? What will be the real reason? Who was the person behind?

Who are the responsible for this attacked?
                 There are 19 Muslims Hijackers that were responsible for the attacked. 10 Hijackers for American Airline and 9 Hijackers for United Airlines that will hit the South and the North World Trade Center Tower. The pictures below are the faces hit the hearts of every Americans.

Terrorist attacked because of Islam.Muslims said that "America Deserves It" why? just watch the video.

People have different reason, but why did we need to do like this? Why not talking about peace and love with other countries and to the whole world. Now lets watch the people who are jumping for death.

In other way, researchers do the research about how the planes hit WTC. They best illustrate the the happenings of 9/11 attacked.

Below are the pictures of the last World Trade Center collapse. God Bless America!

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